Super Seven, also known as Melody’s Stone or Sacred Seven, is a rare crystal found only in the Holy Spirit, Espiritu Santo, region of Brazil. Its name is derived from its potent blend of seven different crystals: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Goethite, and Lepidocrocite. It shares the healing and metaphysical properties of each, even if not all are present in each specific piece.
The vibration of Super Seven links all of humanity and guides us to help change the vibratory level of the entire planet. It aids in personal ascension by assisting us in developing our psychic gifts, especially psychic knowing, which helps us take the right path for our own spiritual enlightenment and elevation. It aids in the healing of physical, mental, and spiritual diseases.
Super Seven attunes us to our own metaphysical abilities and triggers the development of psychic abilities to further heal on all levels, both in our own lives and for the betterment of the world.
Once we attune to the vibration of Super Seven, we discover a spiritual guide within the crystal, which offers support and assistance for our spiritual journey. This stone brings our soul back in communication with the Divine.
It opens, activates, and heals all seven Chakras of the body and is associated with all twelve signs of the zodiac.
The benefits of wearing the Super 7 bracelet:
- Smoky Quartz infuses your aura with pure energy, promotes stability, increases mental focus, brings emotional balance, reduces depression, dispels negative energies, and balances the root chakra.
- Clear Quartz enhances emotional stability, helps manifestation, brings focus and clarity, helps to see the truth, amplifies energy and thought, stimulates the immune system, draws off negative energy and brings the body into balance.
- Amethyst infuses the aura with peaceful energy, relieves stress, reduces anxiety, dispels negative energies, aids in sleep problems, promotes mental clarity, enhances intuition, and energizes the third eye chakra.
- Lepidocrocite has a soothing vibration, calms ADHD and hyperactivity, helps heal the inner child, helps contact angels and spirit guides, and supports the thymus.
- Rutile is an illuminator for the soul, promotes spiritual growth, cleanses and energizes the aura, draws off negative energy and disease, protects against negative energies, soothes dark moods, acts as an antidepressant, relieves fears, phobias and anxiety, and promotes forgiveness.
- Cacoxenite raises the spiritual awareness of the human race, encourages conscious awareness, reprograms the body’s cells to renew themselves continually, revitalizes the mind, and clears the third eye and crown chakras.
- Goethite helps with grief, has a strong grounding effect, heals raw emotion, helps open up to love, and compassion facilitates contacting spirit guides and helps release past life energies that no longer benefit.