Custom In-Person Energy Cleanse for Home
I offer the opportunity to remove negative/ stagnant energy that may have built up within your home. Negative energy can build in our body and within our living space throughout our life from a multitude of experiences. It can be exceedingly difficult to reach inner peace & balance when there is negative energy constantly around us.
- New home
- Divorce/Break up
- Passing in home
- Sadness/Depression
During this session, along with the help from my spirit guides I will remove any stagnant or negative energy in your home. Sage or other clearing items such as Palo Santo, Moon Water, Crystals, & Incense could be used to provide energy cleanse that is perfect for your home. This is an in-person-only service. (We do offer distance clearing as well.) If you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area, please email with house size and location for an estimated price.
In-person only:
Email: [email protected]