Cord Thinning
Cord-Thinning can be a very rewarding and life-changing experience. If you feel that you still have connections with negative experiences and people, whether from your past or right now, you may well benefit from this intervention.
This Mini Session is geared towards thinning cords from all that is not serving our greater good, clearing away negative thoughts, and boosting our general emotional well-being while benefiting our overall Chakra balancing.
When we form a relationship with someone or a group of people, we start to create an energetic connection with them. This takes the form of a cord, for want of a better word. This cord reaches between you and the person or persons and contains all sorts of patterns and behaviors that build up over time. It can be that you may contribute negative patterns sometimes, as well as the other person. You can see these cords in action most clearly if you look at a co-dependent relationship. Each person sends their own needs and demands out to the other person, who, in turn, becomes needy or controlling and so the cycle continues and spirals out of control. This is all energy, and the stronger these connections become, the more problems you encounter. Eventually, you may end up in a miserable state as your own resources are used up. Neither person in a relationship of this kind benefits. You feel that the other person has taken your power, but you may be taking theirs.
In order to release yourself from this kind of situation, it may not be enough to simply walk away. Your energy field will still be holding all the negativity, or worse, and you will be exhausted through your efforts to keep it out of your awareness.
Cords are necessary for sharing energy from one person to another; however, you should keep in mind to never let your cord completely drain you out
What you need to do is engage consciously in a cord-thinning ritual in order to set both yourself and the other person, or group of people, free. Not all cords are negative of course. We form loving, positive bonds with our children, spouses, parents and other significant people in our lives and we have no need or desire to sever these connections. It is the negative, damaging cords that need to be thinned or in extreme circumstances cut so that you can return to a good state of mental and emotional health. I personally do not recommend cutting cords because I believe that people come into our lives for a reason.
In order to identify an unwanted cord, you should first be familiar with the signs that are causing it.
Let’s take a look at some of the things that are responsible for unwanted cords.
- Negative self-talk.
- Low self-esteem and low confidence.
- Obsessive and regular thoughts about a person.
- You feel stressed out spending time with some people.
- You have certain repeating dreams.
- You have difficulty moving forward.
- You don’t seem to find forgiveness.
- Any thought about someone or something makes you mentally or physically tired.
You may genuinely, even desperately, be willing to thin out painful or damaging cords with someone, an ex-lover, for example, but simply being willing to walk away just does not seem to work for most people. An empathic, compassionate, and intuitive healer will help you to understand all of the dynamics and patterns that are contained within the cord, and together you can work on thinning these so that your aura is cleansed, and your mind is able to release those feelings of anger, bitterness, shame, inferiority or whatever else has built up over time during your relationship.
If you feel like you have had enough and you need to thin the cord, you should do just that. Cord Thinning is a spiritual concept, and it is best to ask for a practitioner to help with this process as sometimes doing it for ourselves can feel incomplete.
Each person’s experience will be different, and the feelings you have both during the process and afterward vary so much that it is impossible to tell you what you will feel. Rest assured that the process will always be a positive, benevolent one.